Note: This story is a story that reflects life journey and oh it can take us places we cannot even see but truly love. This story is dedicated to all parties that were involved with the creation of the story. Under Sirius we all shine bright, leave nothing to tomorrow and live today. Live, Laugh, Love. Enjoy!

 Photo: Goose
“Our lives are not determined by what happens to us, but how we react to what happens; not by what life brings us, but by the attitude we bring to life. A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes. It is a catalyst… a spark that creates extraordinary results.” -unknown
The green truck drove south with nothing more than a purr from the engine. While pulling into his parent’s driveway, Goose wondered what journeys lay before his lively eyes. As Goose opened the front door he heard the familiar sounds of his family that had welcomed him home over the years. With a flurry of smiles and hellos, all members were welcomed in the nest. He knew his cousin Tim needed a ride the next day, Tuesday, so he offered to take his mother’s car at 3 am and drop him off at the airport. Tim was going god-knows-where, doing who-knows-what…well movies. He would be missed.
Goose headed back to the house that he had grown up in after dropping Tim off. He needed to catch a few hours of extra sleep. Awakened at the sound of the passing train, Goose looked at his watch – 11:30 AM. He knew that he needed to catch his train in 30 minutes. The last of his belongings packed into the bag, the lightest one he had packed yet. Sandals, water bladder, wool sweater, cotton sweatshirt, rain jacket. camera, one work shirt, one black T-shirt, (all clean), work boots, pants, skate helmet,, a toothbrush and paste, Aloe, iPod, phone, some snacks, work gloves, money, and his ID. All checked and Goose was ready to roll.
He skated down the sidewalk, ducking, dodging, and weaving around the sticks and stones laid out to trip a rider. One small hill down to the train station then a nice small flat railway platform. Turning, twisting, dancing on the board, playing around spinning, almost eating pavement a couple of times…while of course attracting the attention of one of the townies. After a relatively short amount of time had passed, the train rolled in, making the tracks hiss louder and louder as the train drew closer, Goose and the townie shared stories about the different mountains they had climbed as they rode the train into town. The time on the train passed quickly, and before Goose knew it they were parting ways. Getting off at Porter Square, Goose looked around with his skateboard in hand, he ran down the stairs through the train gates and down the almost 100 yard long staircase, flying past everyone on the escalator, a race of time and strength. He caught the subway at the last moment…Safe!
With each stop on the subway, the people of Boston came and went. Before Goose knew it, he was standing in South Station in line for the bus, a mega style, built with the big orange dot and seats that were not so comfortable. He slept, tossing and turning, across two seats in which the shapes and sizes his body conformed to for sleeping had amazed him. Four hours passed and poof! He was standing in the middle of New York City with an address. His friend Celeste told him she was working, but there was music to listen to, and an old roommate of hers was the star! Traveling though the streets on his skateboard, Goose arrived in just the nick of time as she boarded the stage, walked into the amped up bar, Simultaneously Celeste saw Goose, ran and jumped into his visions. Happily embracing, the two friends shared smiles, they hid Goose’s gear, and started to enjoy the sound of her old housemate, Nisch. Standing, filling the stage with her energy to the music, looking tall, sexy and strong in her red dress. Sensitively swaying her hips back and forth in a motion that showed her true curves; a motion that when a woman in her light can put the world into a state of awe. “The bar was more full than it has been before for her on past showsâ€, Celeste said, “Here is to her, tonight, may it be a delightâ€, Goose thought.
With the conclusion of the night, Goose, Celeste and Nate, Celeste’s boyfriend, walked the night sharing popcorn of a high fancy brand. So good it was, just because the flavors were strong for oh so long.  Slowly walking the night, the plan made for the next day was nothing really, but just two friends sharing amends. They walked the city talking about the times when they were kids, bringing great joy to both. A sharing of time that does not happen enough for these two childhood friends. But to them, that is not what mattered. What mattered was to just get up and dance through life with friends when the opportunity is there, Goose thought.
Thursday rolled around and the plane Goose had beckoned to him was scheduled to depart JFK at 8am. Figuring city travel takes a little time, a 2-hour window was left to shine the mind, leaving out all mistakes that could and might leave one stranded in an airport. Getting on and off different trains, Goose, thought it all felt like one big game. How to pass each gate, each clue, problem, find all the keys to let one through the system, rolling the skateboard down all the halls, until finally one stands at the portal gate to look down a hall to another place. In a matter of hours the world would be different, almost like a another planet. From hub to hub, the next time Goose’s feet would step into true freedom would be on a tiny little island. Rockets a go, wings lift, airborne, the big year, sleep drifting to the eyes, head happened to drift into the aisle, awakened by the food cart, whack! power down, screech! Landed, repeat once more, and poof! Goose found himself with his backpack on his shoulders and his skateboard in hand standing in the Virgin Islands!
Goose raced alongside the runway as planes are actively bringing people to and from this place. A year earlier he found a beach right along side the airport. As expected, the beach and platform were still there, and paradise was staring this traveler in the bill. A quick rearrangement of clothes and snap, ready for action! A choice was made to walk along the water for a little while, due to the wonderful fact that it was there and looked inviting.
The beach was about a half mile long and ended at some resort where college kids and old folks were getting their relaxations on. A quick cut made through the lobby of the hotel and the skateboard was under his feet again. The rush of the roll of the board under his sneaker brought great comfort and enjoyable flashbacks. Goose had traveled the busy Saint Thomas roads before; so busy with cars they make ones balls drop. He knew what to expect for food in the area; the docks where a bar that he ate so many meals prior came into view. The Parrot, he made his beeline. No windows, the fresh air swooping around anyone who cared to enjoy a meal or a drink there. A seat at the bar was open. Propping the skateboard to his right and his bag to the left, Goose was ready to enjoy a nice beer and meal. A few hours past and after a couple phone obligations later the meal was over. His stomach was full and his feet were mounted to the skateboard as Goose slid down the boardwalk, heading past yachts bigger than any house he had ever lived in. Darkness had fallen over the island. He rode in and out of the alleyways of countless “designer†shops that are priced way too high. He moved fast, silently, and smoothly. As the exit appeared a guard called him over and claimed that this was not an approved means for travel in the area. When the claim was made that passing through was the only objective, the guard kindly directed towards the fastest way out. Back on the road, the glide was over, and now there was a mountain that all sane people would reject putting a road up, but alas, there lay the path. Stride by stride, elevation was gained. When cars approached, a quick jump into the bushes was the only means of survival in this highway world. The day had been very long and sleepiness was creeping in on him. To his right there was a house that had clearly been torn apart by a hurricane, but there was a nice deck. Ah! Bed. With a wool blanket and a hooded sweatshirt, sleep fell to eyes of Goose, and under the light of the almost full moon and town lights of Charlotte Amole, the dreams came.

Photo: Goose
Raven was looking over the bay, sharing war stories with his co-leader about the conclusion of the week’s events. It was just under a year ago when Raven stood almost in the same place as Goose slept, looking over this little island town, thinking that he was on his way to all his answers. Dress was in hand and the heart had direction. The women of his dreams was just a short hop, skip, and jump away to being in his future. Up until this point, life had been tremulous for this fowl, with friends scattering, friends hurting, and the family pot spiced up. But in his mind was just this woman. And after so long, he realized that it was time to really focus in on the relationship that he wanted to keep with her. Some of his best friends were hurting from drugs, others joyously exposing the universe of the world, and here Raven sat, looking out at America’s Caribbean and felt blatantly slapped in the face with all the things that are seamlessly wrong with this world. He just wanted Atari.
It was almost a year ago that Papa Raven came out and flipped the horizon of the little bird with the words, “I am transgenderedâ€. A world of subtle simplicity and confusion at the same time. To a young bird, it is unclear what to do and how to process that information. What had been a lie? A mistake? An action not true to form? Anything? Nothing? It had been particularly hard to re-learn how to express the great feelings of life with that bomb, but over the past year, he had found him self in a place that showed him and others that he had something to give.He knew the dealings with his family had an effect on the relationship with Atari. But Raven was on the mend be it love happiness, kindness or pleasure, he wanted to give it to her.

Photo: Goose
It was the dreams that came first for Goose. Mystical voices talking smooth and soft, guiding, leading, the imagery of what the mind was showing him was a soothing shower. Awaking abruptly, Goose lay there staring at the stars. Why were they falling on him? Why was he wet? Oh wait, it was raining.
All supplies of the trip were gathered and Goose wandered to the bottom floor to find himself a sheltered spot from the storm. The rain came down so hard that it was pouring though all the cracks that had been created by a hurricane or whatever demon had struck the house, soaking the whole inside except one spot in a door frame. A piece of plywood made the perfect clean surface to sleep on and after a quick readjustment of the wool blanket, it was time to ride out the storm. It probably only rained for a total of about 30 minutes, but it thoroughly soaked everything that was exposed outside. How did he wake up he wondered?
Giving the outside an hour or so to dry, Goose grew to the point that movement had to happen, and before a conscious brain could make a choice, legs were pumping his 180 pound frame silent and soft though the streets of the island. At 2:30am, It was only a street light every 30 yards that provided the light to travel. The hills of the roads on the islands were amazingly terrifying for a driver let alone a skateboarder with a backpack. With things a little damp, the rubber wheels might as well have been rolling on ice. Goose rolled up and down the hills, wind flying though his feathers going down and his legs bounding up, barely making any noise as he moved through the night. It all felt like a dream to this bird.
It was about 4 30 in the morning when the ferry dock appeared into view. A couple people were around doing god knows what, but a nice rocky outcrop behind a restaurant would be sufficient bedding for the remainder of the night. The night sky was as clear as it could be and rain did not appear to be an issue for the rest of the dawn. Pulling the wool blanket over his head, the dream began to creep back into the bird’s brain.
It was a blind shot when it came. All life sucked out of the Raven, left to fight and screech at nothing, instilling fear in all that was within ear shot. What was there to do? Fly powering though the storms of the mind, Raven pushed, harder and faster. No pain could clear the cloud around his cosmic beast. His murder appeared to have been ripped out of his wings. Left stranded, there was nothing to do but stew and think. Thinking was what Raven’s mind did best. So good, that sometimes, he could not shut it down. Atari was running.
Raven thought his nest was doomed to the end and the feeling of loss and sorrow came over his little beak faster than a hurricane. While trying to fly to the side of the gitana* he could no longer keep up. As if he had been struck by a car, his mind was defeated. Work was the only thing that could bring the bird’s mind back to reality. Fortunately, there was a lot to do. His nest was in dire need of repair and the flock leader had commissioned Raven and a couple of others to go forward with some repairs and improvements. The garden was calling for the seeds of life, ready to produce energy for all. The earth was beaconing to be used for the enhancement of life, big to small, keeping Raven’s brain occupied.
Goose snapped awake with the sound of the ferry horn while ripping the blanket off of his head. Full daylight struck him in the face. He thought, “What time was it? Why the hell am I sleeping on a box? Oh wait…â€. The memory started to work and Goose gathered his things, abandoned the box, and walked to the ferry dock where he bought his ticket and watched as the boat pulled into the harbor. Maneuvering with the utmost care, the captain piloted the boat without even so much as a bump along the side of the wharf. Boarding the ferry, a topside seat was on the docket. Time to get some of that Vitamin D that the pale skin of a New Englander craved. Without much haste, the ferry chugged across the bay, making the outline of Saint John grow. It was a short 20 minutes as the ferry pulled into Cruz Bay. It Looked like it had just one year earlier, Goose thought, with taxi drivers sucking you into their grasps to take visitors to experiences all over the island. Boarding a taxi to Cinnamon Bay, Goose had the whole thing to himself and he thought he was in paradise. Blasting over the crazy roads the smell, the heat, and sand all appeared to be as he had left it. Wiggling with excitement Goose found the campsite and ruffled his way onto the biggest cot in the camp. Beach time! With his one bag unpacked and shoes off his feet, it was time to go look at the crystal blue water of the Caribbean. Compared to last year, the campground seemed to be much more empty than it should have been for their high season.
As the day progressed, Goose met the trail master for the area. Tonka was his name, and trail working was his game. They talked about needs for the up and coming groups and what to expect with people coming and going from camp. Tonka departed after this short little chat and Goose was left to his own brain once again. He knew his partner, Maverick, was expected sometime a bit later in the day, but other than that he was left to sit and snooze on the beach. Eyelids fell heavy and the dreams snuck back into his head.
Raven saw Atari, and he was frozen in flight, not sure of his next move or hers. Was this to be a dance of war, happiness or pleasure? The past was shattered, the present was now, could it be fixed? They began swaying with a dance that spirals into a pattern so naturally, making it difficult know any other way. They started to move in beat together again. Dancing, as time moved, both were graceful and clumsy. Neither being ready to give up all eggs in the basket and commit to the moves. Though slowly, the nest seemed to be re-weaving back together.
Goose awoke with waves of the ocean lapping at his toes. His hunger spoke to him now and it was definitely time to settle the pain. There was little restaurant shaded by one of the most grand trees to be seen in the area. There he found Maverick, what luck! They ate together and talked battle for the next couple of days to organize the teams for action on the trail. A couple of the crew members had shown up early and had joined them for their meals. While eating food and having drinks, the night fell old and with all the travels, sleep came fast and hard. There was much to do the following day, so the partners had their minds drift into dreams. .
“Hey Enrique!â€, a high squeaky voice called out. Looking behind him with astonishment, Enrique saw himself staring face-to-face with a 6 foot tall Mickey Mouse. “Uh, hi, Mickey?†he questioned. Mickey just stared at him. Eyes went black, and then his hand popped off, and then the other. Joint by joint Mickey’s body was falling off and walking out a door powered by their own little legs. When his head fell to the ground, a 1 foot tall Mickey was there starring at him, with eyes that seemed to be sucking the life and soul out of Enrique. Mickey laughed with one “ha†and walked out the door. It all fell black.
There is never a need for alarm clocks when one sleeps among the birds. At 6 am sharp almost every day, Maverick and Goose could be awakened by a symphony of bird calls. It was a good thing too, there was much to do every morning to get the battle group up and ready for the morning. Today was all about food! The two partners had to journey by boat to go to the discount store and stock up for the squad for the next two weeks. $1000 dollars and four shopping carts later, they had most of what they would be needing for staples of the group. Members would be expected to be arriving in the next couple of hours, and Maverick and Goose still had some things to go over in camp. All food got unpacked and stored, just in time for members of the squad to be rolling into camp. As people entered, they would give them their mission briefing: Teamwork! Have fun! Work hard!

Photo: Goose
The crew delivered, nothing but smiles from the leaders. Grand success. Everyone worked hard and had a blast doing the trail work and exploring the beaches. They were able to make a river crossing, a couple of steps, and retaining walls in and around the Reef bay trail. The week was wetter than normal for the time of year, causing the little vermin bugs to be out and sucking, both literally and figuratively. Sleep though for Goose, with the whine of the vermin in his ears, would never amount to much. As the week grew to a close, it felt like it was over in a blink of an eye. Week two would not turn out to be the same.
The switch time between the two crews was no more than the time it took for Goose and Maverick to restock the food supply. With the hope of a couple hours of peace, the leaders walked into camp to find it filled with more crew. Peace lost, week two was upon the squad. At the end of the first week the crew had staged gear, a 300 ft cable, two grip hoists and various anchoring material, down at the next trail project for this crew to get down and do some serious work. These tools would allow this upcoming crew to get down and move rocks. Day one with the crew was spent setting rocks loose and flying them to a staging area that would allow a trail worker to come in and place the rocks right where they wanted them. Many rocks were lifted and staged, weighing all at least a couple hundred pounds at the minimum. When the day had ended, dinner was made and darkness had fallen, sleep found the eyes of Goose fast and furiously dreaming all the way.
Raven was infatuated with Atari. She had always had the most beautiful dark feathers that always seemed to catch his eyes, to the point where he was just fixated on their glassy shine. As their nest was being rewoven, Raven took a step back and started looking at it more closely, realizing that what seemed to be strong, was in actuality weak. He had been invited to a dance with Atari, but his bird eyes had gone rogue, and turmoil fell into the bird’s secrets. Perhaps it was not a nest that was needed, but rather a journey. Atari and Raven shared thoughts and ideas about where they could go, where they thought the possible shattered pieces could be amended. Groundwork was being put into place that seemed to lead the two forward. It was only a couple more weeks before Raven could relieve himself of all the duties that the command had given him. Things seemed to be moving smoothly, a trip was in order, times had been tremulous but were now over, all was well the bird thought. And then one night Raven woke up crying.
It was the sounds of birds that stirred Goose. On this morning he was feeling particularly great, breakfast was going to be delightful, it was a cooler night, so he actually got to sleep. Bright eyed and bushy tailed he was! As the group gathered its things for the days, the camp was bustling like a little beehive, with all the soldier bees arming themselves with water and food for the days events. The morning started as it should have, setting up gear and readying the group to move rather large rocks into place for a retaining wall. Work was moving forward… Goose was happy. It was not uncommon for the crew to see people on the trail as groups would walk by all the time. One such group was approaching and someone said,“Do you guys have a med kit? One of our group members got attacked by a deer!â€, “What?†Goose said. The response confirmed what he thought he had heard, “One of our group members got kicked by a deer!â€
Goose could not believe what he was hearing. “Did you feed it?†he asked. “No†someone in the group said. “So bizarreâ€. Goose thought to himself. He grabbed the med kit and bounded up the hill side. They had the lovely lady sitting already on the side of the trail, giving her food and water. “Awesome.â€Â Goose thought, the status of the patient was that she was in good health and good energy. The group had managed to control the bleeding with a dinky bandaid and tube sock. Slipping on the rubber gloves over his hands, Goose inquired, “Hello my name is Goose, what is yours?â€. “Sirius†she responded. “Nice to meet you Sirius.â€
A little anti-infection cream and lots of bandages later, Sirius was ready to go! During the bandaging process it was exchanged that this was the college group that was going to come out and help later in the week on the project. Sirius’s friends and group mates helped her to her feet. As they walked away Goose realized that he had no idea what Sirius actually looked like. He had been so focused on the knee and speech going on around him, that her physical identity was hidden from his mind. All he could see as she disappeared around the corner was she had blonde hair. As he was treating her Goose had picked up on an interesting tidbit. As the group was talking around him it came into light, who ever this lady was, she was adventurous. One of the people had said “Of course this would happen to you Sirius, you are the adventurous oneâ€. Goose stood there still, just watching up the trail, fixated.
The rest of the day seemed to roll through like a flash in his brain. All of the squad debated how you actually get kicked by a deer, what happens there? No one in their many years of hiking and traveling experience had ever heard of such a event. Plenty of moose charging stories, but a rabid deer? No way… she must have been a deer slayer . That night sleep was slow to fall to the eyes of Goose. His mind was spinning with the events of that day, but as his eyes fell heavy there she was…
Raven flew furiously to go find Atari. When he got to the place where she ought to be,all that was found was the open door and a wave. Raven’s heart felt incinerated, as if an atom bomb was blown in his little chest cavity. Raven had to limp his way back to a new nest, an empty nest, with an empty heart. He was song-less. Fortunately he was headed to work and would live with a murder that he really is great friends with. With a joyful reunion between combirds, they headed out to travel some trails, trading stories, and having adventures all along the way. Raven’s murders have always looked after him, just as much as he has looked after them. The stories they shared were some of joy, but, they also brought back the most painful story of all. The story of the final betrayal between Atari and Raven and why when he went to find her that last time, all that was left was an empty hole. Raven, now feeling like he had been kicked in the nuts repeatedly, was getting rather sick of the roller coaster of a ride, but he figured it really only happens when there is true love somewhere in the mix.
Raven worked as hard as he had ever had before, seeming directionless and journey destroyed, but his mind was strong and pushing harder and faster than he had before. One day the head of Raven’s murder, Tate, informed him of his next and upcoming assignment. Low and behold he was going to be sent right back in the shattered nest that he was trying so hard to get out and away from.
Goose awoke, well rested with coffee and pancakes, a breakfast of champions! This day was an off day for the group. They all got to sleep in a bit, not that the birds allowed, but they all tried. On the days off members of the group took off all over the island to explore. Goose had and still was using those off days to do nothing. That was what vacation was suppose to involve; healthy nothing time. With the events of the day prior, he was still perplexed and wondering if the deer slayer group was staying in this camp as well. That morning he could not be sure, but it certainly felt like there were many more eyes that would hold more than just a passing glance. “No way†he thought to himself.
As the day moved forward, books were read, beaches walked, and secrets of the island found. As the aimless wonderings took place, Goose was finding confusion in his brain and a pull at his heart. He needed to find Sirius, he didn’t know why, it just told him too. It was almost a year to the day when the past love of his life was filling his mind on this same island and he wondered. Finding love was the last thing on his mind. “If you make your desires known, and stand by them it all reacts like magnets, ready to attract or repel†He was thinking. A mind spinning with life energy, ready to do nothing but explode. Goose always looked at himself in a way that was ready and willing to jump into the world, to live for the adventure of the day, and let tomorrow just come. Time was moving and the life dice was being rolled. He was thinking of Sirius.
That night over dinner, stories of the squad’s adventures on the island, brought cheer and delight to the bird’s eyes. Peoples joy always pulls every other person around them. As is often quoted, “Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.†Sleep came easy, dreams of bright bounding blond.
Clank, ratter, swish, click vroom, before Raven knew what had happened he was staring Atari in the face.Time and time again he let his emotions get the best of him, putting on a soap opera for those around on a few occurrences. Raven needed to just bust his balls and get though the week. Work was painfully slow however, and he wondered if he should have just gone his own way for a little while and passed on being present for the further tearing of his soul. Atari was lost to him, she was glowing in her own light, caught up in a world that was in no way particularly inviting to him. Feeling as though he was sitting on the sideline he was helpless, watching her drift further and further away. Raven had to fly south, his time was out and he felt broken, he had to do something about that, and a migration was what he came up with.
The work of the next day was just as hard and now the project began on scramble mode. A dump truck was needed to load rocks and all that they had were hand tools and a high line. The group worked hard, fast, and furious, leaving nothing behind. They all new what dire circumstances it was to get all the big rocks in place. Making the big push left every one too tired to do the hike that was planned for the afternoon. In many ways this was great, because it meant that people were really connecting with the work and leaving their hearts on the trail. It was a slow walk up to the van for every one that day. That night there was going to be a good reggae band playing at the campground and Goose wondered if he was going to have enough energy to stay up and see them. Come dinner prep time he was still wicked groggy. He would make up his mind after food filled him.
Dinner was great, he was stuffed to the brim, and the grogginess that he thought would take over his body, lifted unexpectedly. He could hear the music coming from the restaurant. “Time to go†Goose thought to himself and he walked over to the music and took a seat just inside the shadows. Inner visons was the name of the group and they were laying down some wicked reggae beats. One by one his group walked in to join in the music party. A group of about eight of them formed to sit and enjoy the sound. Then serendipity.
One by one the deer slayer group was back. They all strolled in and took seats front and center. Goose’s eyes were drifting to the knees of the group, which one was Sirius? Who was she? Then his eyes became fixed, gracefully strolling in with a walk that was bounding with energy yet still smooth, sleek and sexy, wearing a red sundress, hiking boots and blonde hair. Breathtakingly Beautiful. Goose almost fell backward out of his chair. His eyes drifted to her knees and saw nothing. No it couldn’t be, he thought that was her, but where were her bandages? Legs don’t heal in two days, he knew that. For about 10 minutes he watched her, debating in his mind whether that girl with her playful energy was indeed Sirius or not. He watched as she got her friends to get up and start dancing with her. Letting all freedoms speak though her movements as she danced with nothing but pure joy and happiness radiating out of her soul. He was hypnotized. Goose was getting fed up that he could not make up his mind if that was her, So he turned to a member of his squad, a person of pure joy, and asked her if that was indeed Sirius. “Yes it is†she replied. Goose asked, “Are you sure?†She smiled and said yes. Goose got up and walked right up to her, and said, “Hey Sirius, how’s your knee?â€.
For the next time slot, they shared stories about who each other was, and danced and frolicked into the night. They traded stories of hiking in places around the world and adventures in everyday life. It turned out that they had many similar experiences of destinations. They had both traveled to Ecuador and Belize and had their minds expanded into new ways while they were there. Both were skateboarders and free spirited. Dreams for there lives shared. It was as if both were flying in their minds to these exotic places as they spoke, but this time, energy intertwined. It was true what he had heard, she was an adventurous one. The signals were clear, she was playing with her hair, bushing against his shoulder, and their eyes were locked … â€Should I ask her to walk the beach?†Goose thought.
Women were not a speciality of the bird, but he could see the signs of desire, lust, infatuation and connection. However, when it came time to act, his migrations were constantly shivering frozen. He knew he could stand looking down on a steep hill with his skateboard, a gnarly slope with his snowboard, or run 50 miles in a single push, but to journey into the tender heart and soul of a beautiful women, he was left crippled.
“I’m beat from trails work†Goose said and wished Sirius a good night, making some tentative plans for the following day. The pain and/or disappointment that flashed across her face caught him by surprise, and he wished he could take back his words. “Was she so to speak ‘digging’ him?†he wondered. But before he knew what had happened he was on his cot drifting to a deep slumber with questions racing around his brain.
Raven headed back to the place where he had found himself, the place where his friends were plentiful and filled with ideas about the up and coming years. This Murder had love, kindness, food and parties. Raven was glowing. The wind had blow him hard and he came in with a crash landing, but with Pirate ship mountain casting its shadow, Raven had found the perfect place to build himself that nest that he was looking long and hard to find. Time at the mountain exposed Raven to a special flower that was native to that area. It was young, spunky, filled with bright color and with the power to bloom in all seasons. Flower had made it clear that she had a man in her life though, Bruno, “The man of her life†as she once stated. But she was always telling Raven of stories of being bucked around by Bruno. Were these the scraps that Raven was meant to pick up? Raven’s past seemed to be fading with the present being so strong. Raven’s look at this Flower was cemented in place, fixated on her four season bloom. Raven wondered with Bruno around, “What will bloom for this dark scavenger?â€

Goose had the whole next day off while Sirius was busy with her group on the trail. He was left to the beach, a book, and his mind. The two of them had talked about trying to meet later that afternoon and hang out together while helping out the archeologist, but no real meeting time or place was set. Would the terms of fate, attraction, and magnetic similarities be enough to bring them together? He tried hard to not think about it. He had learned from years past that thinking can be the utter downfall of a persons true character in times of stress, desire or anger. Before he knew what happened he saw her. Upon his arrival in his vision he could see her face seem to light up. They proceeded to gayly play around the beach, digging in the sand like kids with toy trucks, searching for artifacts that could date as far back at 2000 years ago. They were able to share more tidbits about one another, with each bit shared, deeper they thrusted though their eyes and into their mind and heart. To him it felt like he had known her for years, lives shared in a separate but parallel universe.
Their time on the beach was fun and awesome, but both had obligations to attend to. He desperately wanted to just talk and share more time, her desires were still benign to him, but she did seem to take pleasure in his company. She had confided in him some personal information about the death of close family members in her life. That told him something, he speech was crippled at the moment, but he knew how she was feeling, it was only a few years ago, that a god mother figure in this birds life had drifted into the wind, the similarities continued. They parted for the time being and tentatively agreed to meet later and smash coconuts! Goose had learned from a laughing lady named Lorraine how to do it without looking like a total monkey. As darkness fell Goose wondered if Sirius was really going to show up. Time passed on and the hours were growing later. Goose’s squad was giving him shit, or rather teasing him left and right. He guessed it all was like a soap opera to them or something. They kept on referring to his personal connections as a gaggle. The word did make him giggle a little bit when he thought about it.
It was getting rather late, and the group that had gone to town for a night’s party had returned and just when he thought it was hopeless that he was going to see Sirius for the night, off in the distance he heard a giggle. “The gaggle!†Sure enough it was Sirius with a couple other members of the group carrying nothing but coconuts. They all headed to the beach to crack them up so their respective camps could sleep. While Goose played with the coconuts they all shared stories about life and how their trips were going. It was mentioned that the group was feeling rather malnourished and the idea of fresh coconut was a sensationally pleasing thought. Though there were five people, it was obvious to Goose that most of the conversing was going on between him and Sirius. Each time their gazes locked she would smile and energy surged into Goose. He smiled on the inside. As the time clicked forward, all members got tired and it was time for rest. Tomorrow was going to be Friday and they were all working on the trail together. Goose was psyched. But rest was needed much work was needed to be completed. He and Sirius parted ways, but he saw a twinkle in her eyes that was more astronomical than the brightest star of the night. “She takes after her nameâ€, Goose thought. With his mind spinning, sleep was restless with Sirius twinkling above.

Photo: Goose
Dancing wildly around the mountain, Raven was called by a member of his Murder and before he knew what was what, he was in the desert, scavenging for a friend’s missing pa duke. Raven and his wingman M2 were scouring for a fragment funk of the deserts disturbance for the departed. Unfortunately, the only thing to be found was a empty desert and a full mind. Raven’s mind walking in the desert was filled with confusion of the past, infatuation with the present, and here he was looking for the departed to settle hops in the future. This left his mind to be in a rather interesting place. Then he found himself in a brothel.

Photo: Goose
The Next day for Goose was looking as though it was going to be a frantic scene of rocks flying, people moving and magnetic gazes. He was stressed. He just did not want to see anyone get hurt. He saw Sirius at the bathhouse and was stunned by her energy. All he could muster from his bill was an amping attitude anxious to work! “Hey Sirius, ready to get down and dirty!†He thought he sounded dumb, but he had managed to catch a smile from her complexion. She had playfully agreed. His squad was going down the trail first to get a head start and to be met by Sirius and crew later in the morning. Work began smoothly until they realized they had left the handles for their grip hoist in the van, 2 miles and 800 feet vertical up! AAA. Goose jumped at the opportunity and flew with the winds up the trail, bounding with every step, all in the back of his head wondering when he would run into the so called “Gaggleâ€, well more importantly to him, when he would run into her, the star.
Raven and his wingman had just got off the flats, completing acrobats of high velocity, explosive in nature. He and his buddy M2 walked into the bar, covered in dust, taken with a mean thirst, and all eyes turned to them with a quick silence taking place. They both walked and grabbed a seat in the bar. With a quick survey of the mind, Raven saw there were only four other so called customers in the building, with the hens, (seven of them), dolled up to the fullest extent that one might try. His bill fixed for a moment here a moment there…drink! M2 ordered a round of whiskeys for the two of them and they toasted for Pete’s sake! The bar tender and lady pimp or Madame’s interest, was high to their situation. Raven and M2 both had loud mouths, and soon they were telling their story about searching for Pete. Another gentleman that was sitting on the other side of the bar changed his seating and moved closer. Bringing his lady friend with him. As the story of who they were and why they were there unfolded, even some of the thong strung women gathered around to put an ear to the story.
Goose came upon the group and with a fierce feeling of fire in his body from running faster than the winds, he stumbled to Sirius, smiled, asked who had the car keys, and departed, saying nothing more. But her image was imprinted in his brain. Up, up, and up… thank god, the summit steps came into view. With a quick refill of water and grabbing the gear he needed, he was off. Down, down, down, he flew, gliding with gravity, effortlessly down, letting his legs move underneath him as smooth as his skateboard glides on the pavement.
Their new bar neighbor was named Blaze, and he had driven there from a far place on a frantic release of male fortitude. He slid over to M2 and took him out side, and asked ever so slyly, “Want some pot?â€. M2 astonished said yes. It was only M2 who had walked back in to the bar, but a moment later, Blaze stood next to M2 and before long a stupid grin appeared on his face. Raven wondered. M2 disappeared to the car for a moment and then upon his return he looked as though he just got worked the best way possible by one of the whores. Raven still wondered. Did blaze just buy them a sport fuck? He wasn’t going to pay for sex, Raven, if he so desired, could migrate to a bar and find it for free! Or so he confidently and cockily thought to himself. Time passed and M2 and Raven grew weary from their time in the desert and it grew obvious that Blaze did not purchase them sport sex times, mainly because there were no hens walking up and grabbing the two of them in the balls and leading them away. M2 and Raven walked outside, and Raven asked “What’s with the stupid grin?†M2 smiled and showed Raven green gold that filled a single solo cup. They had walked into a brothel and walked out with the best possible purchases, whiskey, stories and free green gold, everything they needed. A spiritual quest was in order to finish there wonderings for Pete, they were in debt to Blaze.
When Goose reached the bottom of the valley, all the parties gathered at the worksite. With all the gear they needed in hands, work started to move flawlessly. The squad and gaggle worked very well intertwined around one another. As the day progressed Goose’s stress dropped. He was able to talk and feel normal around the two groups. They were able to complete the project perfectly for the next group to come in to ice the cake. Time was short for Goose and Sirius, they both knew it. They were able to work almost side by side, he would use anytime that he could to catch a glimpse of her efforts, which were both plentiful and powerful. Goose had left both his emotions and thoughts down on a note that he wrote, in rhyme so she would know he had a good time. He had a hunch that he could give it to her at lunch, in a little private conversation, so the thoughts had wicked good sanitation.
Raven loved himself and he loved all the people that were in his life, but what was he doing? No so much in the desert, but in the game of life. He realized that he was feeling like he was being pulled so fast that actions felt spontaneous and not controlled. He missed his Flower. When Raven departed from his trip for the departed, nothing was more exciting to the bird than getting to see and smell the life of his Flower. In a welcomed reuniting of the dark bird to his colorful Flower, it was still just as beautiful as he could remember. Still strong, colorful and a bit goofy in the best kind of ways, but it was a short reunion because the flower could move and dance into the light, and she had her own pursuit of might. Raven was left again on the edge of his seat feeling beat, sad for now but hopeful for a day that he would use his might and get to see her delight…

Photo: Goose
After the work day Goose and Sirius were separated by the needs of one another’s group plans, but they had made the commitment to hang out later that night for one last toast to the experiences they had learned and shared with one another. Snorkeling, food, shopping, sunning were on the docket for them. It was not until well after darkness had fallen that Goose and Sirius were reunited. With some other comrades they walked to the beach, and perched themselves on a small beached boat and gave toast out of a coconut to the night and the shared delight!

This was a time
For both to shine
She gave a test
For all the rest
To prove their love
He rubbed her hand soft as a dove
Emotions drained
Barriers waned
All they wanted was lust
But it would betray past trusts
Cause unwanted pain
So they acted tame
And just enjoyed the Sky
Which made them feel just as high
This was a connection made strong
They had been waiting for so long
Felt like an old friendship
Brushing each on their on the hip
So pure
That they were both sure
It happened so very fast
Would something like this even last?
They wont know for now
For its time to whip out the plow
The future is so unknown
But true emotions were shown.
With a short flight
They can reunite
Happen this might
Time must be right
They left with a kiss on the cheek
Not knowing what to seek
Raven has to move pass, all that broken glass,
and the Goose, is most defiantly loose
Time to wait and see
And just let life be
Going to the nest is best
To share with family all that was on that test
Of that thing called life
And how he has found a possible…
These birds have flown,
For its time to go home
The bird was on his skateboard, waiting in the airport. Gliding on the smooth pavement in the building of the Airport at 2:00 am was oh-so-sexy under his feet. He saw a guard and skated to him. The guard said to him, “Hey man, you can’t do this, else I’ll be hearing from my chief. Ride in the parking lot!â€.“I can do that!†Goose replied.
With a total of 14 hours to kill in the airport Raven found him self standing in front of the mirror talking to him self. Everyday people see our faces, expressions and moods, rarely do we stand and look at our selves and give the same look to our selves. But when we do, not only do we see our selfs we see past the skin and know the feelings that go with the expressions. Some days we can feel like total shit on the inside but on the out side we are happy as a clam. While Raven is standing in front of this mirror this time around he is telling him self to be, look and feel strong. Over the past experiences he has gone thought the telling lesson that he has on lock down is to always tell your self to be awesome and feel awesome… other wise one will never even get close to that feeling. Through all Raven journeys he has seen people who on the outside are so very happy, but on the inside are crumbling. Be it ether personal issues, or crummy days or crummy people that is effecting this person. He had herd this saying that we all should suffer silently… Raven thought this was bogus. He had hurt and it felt good to know that he was not the only one with pain in his head and heart sometimes. He thought too that when he did end up talking to others about there bull shit that it too did make them feel together… he thought is was experiences of shared feelings that reminds us all that we are human.
No other altercations took place. 7:00 am rolled around and the bird’s wings spread in transit to the hub of the world, New York City. The planes passengers were nothing great except on the second bird, when he got to sit near this lady and they ended up trading stories of traveling the world and being awesome on this planet! She had lived all over the country, several places in Europe and interest in the further personal adventure was high. An awesome single serving friend indeed. As goose was getting ready to run to his bus he inquired, “Hey whats your name?â€. “Luna†she said, “yours?â€. “Goose!†their eyes locked and both smiled, each pleasantly taken by surprise with the others label. Poof! Raven was off and running.
It was 10:00 pm before the bird made it outside of the terminal and there were only 90 minutes until he needed to be on a bus headed to Boston. Quick catch a bus out of the airport, check! Goose thought, “Come on bus why can’t you drive faster! Take me to the heart and insert me into the veins of the cityâ€. The bus driver pointed out the skyline of the city and said it to be both grand and beautiful. Raven thought otherwise. Tick tock, tick tock, it was 20 minutes until the bus departure and he, 20 blocks away. Take the slow bus? Raven thought not. He whipped on the skateboard and block after block would wiz by as the bird flew through the streets, only stopping at the avenues where it was a river of taxies that prevented him from crossing. It was time to play Frogger. He made it across, great! Then back on the board, dodging people as if he were a X-wing pilot dogging lasers. He kicked furiously, and came to a screeching halt, surrounded by Times Square. Never had this bird seen so many lights in the same place that elevated so high! His eyes were frozen in place for what seemed like a lifetime… oh wait a bus! AAAAAHHHH! A race across the street, and kick, kick, kick, he was there. And the bus was late. Thank the gods! He looked back down 41st street and thought to himself “That was a Celestial skate!â€.
Home was but a bus ride and car trek for this bird, and his brother would be picking him up at the bus station. The migration was over, thank god! This bird’s meat was so wicked beat. As he left NYC he looked out the window and thought about how the nature of life is awesome. He gave thanks to the stars for the deer, Atari, the battle group, the squad, Maverick, the command, his Murders, Luna, Celeste, the Flower and Sirius. Then he thought to himself, life is what you make of it, always has been and always will be. He loved every one of those people, and realized that as he made his life more about love, there was more to be seen and shared. They had all shared, taught, and further moved this bird forward. These people live everyday inside this bird and it is this life that gives him his energy and strength.  You can take actions for any sign of life you want it to be. Raven was unsure about his future, but so was everyone else. He realized that he was never alone, and the more that became clear, the more every one wanted to share beer. Time to live well, laugh often and love much. The buddha says everything happens for a reason. That reason is our choice, and that is what gives us our voice.

Food and parties
Just smiling.

Photo: Goose