November 2007

Goose25 Nov 2007 10:36 pm

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From guns to turkey to birthdays 

Goose12 Nov 2007 09:34 am

I saw snow, thats right i have seen it, all natural and in a flurry of glory, i have seen snow. I was driving the other day to go for a hike and out of the corner of my eye a flash a white. I looked to my right and to my joy i could see Mt. Washington with the summit covered in snow. The white glimmer is halfway down the mountain. It will not be too long before we start seeing snow up here.

Goose05 Nov 2007 02:53 pm

Today in my foundations of adventure education we had a speaker come in from La Trobe University in Australia. It was really cool because he showed us that our major was a fast growing field and becoming more important in society ever year. We he talked to us and made us realize why we are there is this major. My reason was i want to bridge the gap from society to nature. I want to help people do something that they do not have to skills to do on there own……..and the saga continues. Oh yea and by the way this weekend, did much more climbing. over the last 10 days i have climbed 8.

Goose01 Nov 2007 08:27 am


Now what?????