Goose15 Dec 2008 04:00 pm


We have all seen movies of aliens invading the earth. In these movies, there is a very common theme that arises. In most all alien invasion movies, we see the communities of the world put down all differences and unite to fight.  The actual method of fighting varies from epic military battles (Independence Day) to playing music that makes the alien’s head explode (Mars Attacks). However, the overall story or theme is the same. The people of the world always unite to protect what we call home. It is great to see how Hollywood tells the story of what mankind would do, if faced with a danger so great, that it had a chance of threatening mankind on a global scale. Do you think, if there was a danger that threatened to wipe out human kind, would we as a globe unite and fight? I would like to think that if we saw an alien invasion coming upon us we would put down all differences and join forces. But alas with the world the way it is now, I feel that we would get lost in the overall goal and be destroyed. Either by the aliens themselves or by our own stupidity with using nuclear warheads. This is kind of a dismal way to look at things, i know, I really wish this was not they way I felt, but alas, it is.

So, why am I talking about alien invasions? The truth is and i am sorry, I am not going to sit here and talk to you about how we can defend ourselves from aliens. However I would like you to give a little thought to the idea of another global crisis. There are a few things that I would classify as a global crisis, one being an alien invasion, another could be an asteroid that threatens the planet, nuclear war and the third, is one we are more familiar with, global warming. Are you starting to see where this might be going?

As several programs on the Discovery Channel like to put it we are in gave danger. We are facing something that threatens the world on a global scale, global warming. We all watch movies, where are the leaders to step up and lead us through this disturbing issue, why are we not uniting as a globe to stop and do something? For that matter stop and do anything. Everywhere you turn, news, internet, youtube, we see people fighting and bickering over differences like gay marriage, land, religion, war, and taxes, this is my personal favorite. Subjects like these are important.  Yes, i know, I am not ( excuse my french) shitting on these subject because I feel like we should ignore them. I’m shitting on them because with the way the world is heading now, in 100 years, there are going to be vast spaces of land that will be basically fried and inhospitable for mankind. Yet we are at war, AT WAR over the one of the biggest contributors to global warming.

Unfortunately we are not in the movies and when someone stands up and tries to stand for the environment, they watch as the issue gets slowly pushed further and further back. Funding, resources and time are pulled away from the environmental issue every day by these petty issues. So environmentalist have to battle and fight for the rights of the earth, our home. Find me one person who would let you walk in their door and poor gasoline all over their living room rug, then throw a match on it. You won’t. They do not exist. People have this perception of what home is. Where we live, we protect and would rather strangers not to come in, dump trash everywhere or light our place of refuge, on fire. People ranging from the homeless and their boxes, to the rich and their 50,000 square foot monstrosities have this view. But some of these same people continue to push for more oil drilling, waste valuable resources and ignore the global warming issue. The problem is mankind as a whole does not view the earth complete, with all its beauty, as home. They might say well I know I live on earth. But what I am talking about is, people do leave their house,  fly to a place on the planet they have never been and say “man it feels good to be home”. What I am saying is our view of home is very one minded. We can only see the world through one set of eyes. Because of this, we put this false attitude toward events on this planet that do not seem to directly effect us. I mean it’s really hard to control this view, we only have one mind. The only way to affect this view is to really understand that mankind is one of many great species that inhabits earth, our home.

In the great time line of earth, going all the way back to the beginning of time for our planet, about 4.5 billion years ago and looking at the progression of our planet, it has been in a consistent state of balance while evolving. Excluding the asteroid that possibly  killed the dinosaurs, the earth seems to maintain itself in a stable and constant state of evolution. It was not till the very recent occurrence of the industrial revolution, that things started to go out of whack. Since that time, the state of our planet has done nothing but a downward spiral toward destruction. With all the pollution, burning of fossil fuels and wasting of resources, humans are going to destroy the earth and put it into submission. A very similar submission occurred about 65 million years ago. Dinosaurs were rulers of this earth. Then came along a nice big asteroid (possibly) and changed the evolution of the earth. Now here we are, standing on the beginning stages of a dramatic climate change, bickering.

I mean I know why we do it. We are a very special creature because we have knowledge of self. We are driven by what we call our “minds”, compared to animals who would be driven by survival instinct. Our complex brains have allowed us gain a greater ability to think than all other species. With this great knowledge and the technology that it built, we were able to alter the earth’s climate at a very rapid rate. Think about what species will be living 65 million years from now, will it be looking at history and wondering how humans died off? I would like to hope not. We have to take this blessed knowledge we have and use it for the continuing good of earth.

How would Hollywood do it? They have dealt with and fixed global issues. By uniting and working together.  There is a global crisis that is threatening the world – global warming! Our president in this movie is Martin Sheen (played a great president in the TV show West Wing). What would he do? How would Hollywood solve this issue of global warming?

Drastic action is needed……………….

2 Responses to “Drastic action”

  1. on 16 Dec 2008 at 2:51 pm Yoder

    Alas, Hollywood could not solve this; it’s up to us.

  2. on 16 Jan 2009 at 2:57 pm Kristen

    Goose, this is some awesome writing with solid ideas and comparisons.
    I am part of the board that is running our Global change day in Feb! Do you mind if I share some of this, or better yet do you have any interest in speaking at it???